2024年 9月 22日 作者 gong2022 0


??? ? ? ?新大纲一出来,焦虑就来了,在写作中题型范例中,多了一种文字类,但凡有两颗花生米,考生也不至于被灌得晕晕乎乎,罡哥根据我暑假上强化写作时的方法论,来个大家梳理一下这类文章的写作套路(英一英二通用)。直接上图:


52. directions:

read the following excerpt from an article and write an essay. in your essay, you should explain whether or to what extent you agree with the author. support your argument with reasons and relevant examples. write your answer in 160-200 words on the answer sheet. (20points)

? ? many of us, whatever our field of work, fear that showing uncertainty can damage our image- and we may compensate by expressing overconfidence in an attempt to win trust. but in many situations people are willing to trust those who can admit they don’t have a definitive answer. recent studies found that communicating uncertainty and even admitting our mistakes is not harmful and can even be beneficial to trustworthiness. so, failure in “expertise”can be compensated by

higher integrity and benevolence. when communicating uncertainty in a transparent way, we are perceived as less biased and willing to tell the truth.





本身摘录阅读难度不高,反复出现的同近义词表达多是作者要传递的主题,如 ? ? ? uncertainty;admit they don’t have a definitive answer,communicating uncertainty,admitting our mistakes , communicating uncertainty。可以得出主题为:承认不确定性或面对不确定性,亦可以理解成正确面对自己缺点或不足



? ? ? ? ? ?从上诉所给的内容中,我们可以提炼出作者的观点-承认错误或不确定性并不会给我们带来伤害,虽然我们有这样那样的担心。在我看来,我对此持同意看法。


? ? ? ? 1.?? 教育背景不同-不是每个人都是专家,全才,犯错误很正常。

? ? ? ? 2.?? 人际角度-有些人担心犯错会被他人歧视。但其实承认不足更会赢得尊重,有利于 人际关 ? ? ? ? ? ? ? ? ?系。比如,许多知名科学家对于自己不擅长的领域,会向他人谦虚的讨教,赢得了更多人的 ? ? ? ? ? ? ? 尊重。

? ? ? ?3.?? 心态角度-承认错误其实更有利于认清自身。一个典型例子就是华为的成功,如果 ?没有在 ? ? ? ? ? ? ? ? 发展中勇于面对不确定性,承认不足,就没有华为这样的科技巨头了。


? ? ? ? 在我看来,承认错误和面对不确定性是一个人成熟的表现。虽然他可能暂时让自己处于一种不利的处境,但是一定会在未来的发展中处于 地位。


? ? ? ? ?from what the excerpt has given us, we can extract the author’s point that it does no harm to admit mistakes or communicating uncertainty, despite widespread concerns. in my point of view, i agree with what the author said.?

? ? ? the reasons why i hold this are as follows. the first one is related to educational background. ?not everyone is an expert, and it’s normal to make mistakes. meanwhile,personal circle is another concern as well. some people worry about being discriminated against if they make mistakes. but admitting shortcomings is more likely to gain respect and benefit relationships. for example, many well-known scientists will seek advice from others modestly in their fields that they are not good at, thus winning more people’s respect. admitting shortcomings is actually a better way to identify yourself. a case in point is the success of huawei. if there were no admitting mistakes or shortcomings from huawei in its development, there would be no such tech giant like huawei.

? ? ? ? ?from my perspective, admitting mistakes and facing uncertainty is a sign of maturity. although someone may put himself in a disadvantageous position for the time being, he will certainly be in an advantageous position in the future development.


? ? ? 还是那句话,方法是灵活的,人也是活着的。学会以不变应万变的方法,衡量好自己的基础,才是真正的面对变化之道。就是样题说的,承认自己的不足,勇于面对才能得到更多的尊重。????